2024 was a record-breaking year for our team as we work towards our #endals mission, raising over $600,000, that all went 100% to Dave’s Triple Target Funding program that funds ALS research and ALS patient needs. We are grateful to everyone who has donated and/or taken part this year to help make all of this a reality!!! Here is a list of our planned events in 2025, we hope that you will be able to join us! As always, all donations to our events go 100% to Dave’s Triple Target Fund, thanks to the hard work of our team to grow these events every year those events should still produce good revenue for the #EndALS cause along with a lot of awareness!
Drivers - Click Here for a video on how to
set up your 2025 MightyCause Fundraising Page

Shelly's Race 2*
Register here: Registration Link
$30 from every Registration will go to Racing for ALS’s Triple Target Fund!

Jzilla- Under the Lights*
For more information: Under the Lights powered by Gran Turismo East

Stewart's Race 3*
Registration coming soon!
$30 from every Registration will go to Racing for ALS’s Triple Target Fund!

Carolyn's Race 4*
For more information: https://justtrackit.net/events/road-atlanta-feb-2025/
$30 from every Registration will go to Racing for ALS’s Triple Target Fund!

Events Operated by Affiliates that will benefit Racing for ALS – The Racing for ALS cause was put in to place by racers, for racers, and we are grateful to the racing community who has embraced the #EndALS cause and are helping to carry it forward. The events below are run by some awesome track day companies who want to help our cause by donating portions of their event revenues to Racing for ALS. We are so grateful to each of these organizations for their efforts and support!
Any event with a “*” will be an affiliated event.
Shelly’s Race - Presented by Track Advantage - In Honor of Navy Veteran and ALS Warrior Shelly Hoover at Virginia International Raceway on April 21 and 22, 2025.
$30 per registered driver and all fundraising proceeds from the event to Racing for ALS. Register Here/Registration Link Coming soon!
CMS Under the Lights - Presented by Jzilla Track Days at Charlotte Motor Speedway, NC - Saturday July 12th - $30 per registered driver and all fundraising proceeds from the event to Racing for ALS. - Register Here!
Carolyn’s Race 4- Presented by Just Track It. Registration is open now!
$30 from every Registration will go to Racing for ALS’s Triple Target Fund!
Stewart’s Race 3 - Presented by Just Track It in honor of Stewart (nominated by his granddaughter Emma of Stomping Out ALS) at Barber Motorsports Park on August 15th and 16th - $30 per registration will go towards the Triple Target Fund and all fundraising proceeds from the event to Racing for ALS. -
Register Here / Registration Link COMING SOON!Team Jacob - Wheelin’ for ALS 4x4 Trail Ride in WV #2 - Aug. 10th - DONATE or FUNDRAISE via MightyCause
Volunteer with Us!
It all begins with you! Help us make a difference in the lives of those affected with ALS! Sign up below to join our Volunteer Army**!
**Volunteer duties vary from event-to-event. However, most volunteers are utilized for registration, event set up/tear down, and help with event logistics behind the scenes. We will send a group email to all our registered volunteers when opportunities are available with details for that specific event.