Racing for ALS Informational Downloads
Dave and I had no idea where this journey would lead when we started racing together in 2018 to make memories as brothers after Dave’s ALS diagnosis in October of 2017, and we are humbled by all who the Lord has brought into our lives to help make all that Racing for ALS does possible. Regardless of why you are on this page, thank you for being here, thank you for your interest in what Racing for ALS is doing, and thank you again to all who have work so hard to help ALS patients and ALS families across North America!
Racing for ALS continues to be blessed with opportunities to impact the lives of families living with ALS. Our primary efforts target pharma research, patient assistance and ALS awareness.
RFALS 2023 Full Year Sponsorship Opportunities
Racing for ALS continues to be blessed with opportunities to impact the lives of families living with ALS. Our primary efforts target pharma research, patient assistance and ALS awareness.
Individual Race Event Information Packets
Our HPDE events are the backbone of our fundraising efforts each year, and as well offer us, our sponsors and our drivers the opportunity to help spread the #endals mission and themselves. As you look at taking part in and/or sponsoring one of our events, the information packets below help summarize the why we do what we do and why we need your help! Click on the button below for the event information you want to review -